Before completing an application form (pdf) for the Duston German Shepherd Dog Training Club it is important that you have read the Rules of the Club and agree to abide by them.
Members are covered by the Club's Public Liability Insurance whilst training on a Tuesday evening and using our field at Bugbrooke, but other than this Members need to have their own insurance cover, which may be included in their house insurance policy.
Innoculation Certificates MUST be checked by the Secretary or Treasurer and membership duly signed before commencement of the Course.
A renewal form must be completed each year (January)
Many of our members come along initially with their dog wanting no more than a dog who will walk alongside them when out, without pulling and always tugging at the lead, and to return when called. We have all admired the well-behaved dog in the street, walking nicely by the handler's side. This does take a lot of hard work and patience.
The cost of the 8-week course is £10.00 to hold your place (which must be paid 2 weeks before commencement of intake class) plus £5.00 per week.
A membership form must be completed and we do insist on seeing your vaccination certificate and checking microchip numbers.
When you have completed the 8-week course, you are accepted as a full member of the Club and will be asked to pay your full annual membership fee of £25.00 (family membership) (running from February to January). There is also a £5.00 per week training fee when you attend your class (payable at the desk on entry please). This is charged per dog.
Click here for an application form (pdf)
Cheques should be made payable to "DUSTON GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG TC"